Boho living room is a great place to start to explore it’s style and aesthetic, as the living room is one of the most energizing places in the home to gather loved ones, unplug from the workday, read an inspiring new book, or practice a favorite hobby. The following boho-inspired living rooms will help spark your inner designer to create a space that feels uniquely you while offering some important pointers along the way.

Add One Or More Poufs
For an instant burst of boho, poufs and other oversized floor seating are a cozy and affordable pick. There are many choices in the market from rattan, leather to knitted cotton which you can choose to suit your type of boho style.

All About Plants
If you just want touches of boho without going full on rattan and macramé, plants are going to be your best friend. Upping that jungle vibe is a simple but surefire path to this free-spirited style.

The More Textures, The Merrier
Rattan textures, faux fur and geometric textiles can turn your home into a bohemian escape. In most cases, the wilder a space looks, the better when it comes to achieving a boho look.

Go Tonal
Anything goes when it comes to boho, and the same rule applies for its palettes. Try getting tonal with a particular color. Mix shades of brown, green, beige, or black for a truly boho abode.