Items Within A Tray
If you have a larger table and want to showcase a number of items, a tray is a great way to contain all of the pieces. On a larger table, you can house an array of items in a tray and then still have room to pop books beside the tray. Just ensure the tray is not the same material as your coffee table top.

A Flower or Plant Is Essential
A flower arrangement or plant is an essential ingredient when styling a coffee table. And you can go fake here if you need to. A plant or flower brings life and softness to the scene, and can break up the potential monotony of too many hard-items.

Book Stacking
Stack like you’ve never stacked before when it comes to books on your coffee table. I mentioned earlier that varying heights in objects is really important, and a book is a great way to elevate an ornament. Stack three books and pop an odd-shaped ornament on top and it becomes the hero of the scene.