As a child, the holidays were always a magical time. And when we decorate with vintage Christmas decorations, it transports us to those beloved gatherings of yesteryear. Recreate the memories by shopping antique shops, estate sales, and flea markets for vintage decor that brings wonder and nostalgia back to the holidays.

Vintage Furniture
Create an idyllic old-fashioned Christmas decor vignette with vintage furniture. Consider French linen pillows on antique chairs for the finishing touches on this charming holiday display.

Brass Candlesticks
Once considered dated, vintage brass candlesticks have made a major comeback in recent years — sending prices up in pace with their rise in popularity. But, thankfully, these glittering goods can still be inexpensively found at yard sales, church bazaars and estate sales. Resist the urge to polish your newfound treasure; brass’s glowing patina is key to the metal’s timeless charm.

Silver Accessories
Pour some holiday cheer on a sideboard with silver accessories. The natural patina gives the silver an elegant vintage look.

Vintage Retro Wrapper
Authentic gift wrap from the good old days isn’t easy to come by, but you can still score affordable offerings in pretty patterns that recall earlier eras at just about any retailer.